Friday, April 29, 2011

Knowledge is Power

Sir Francis Bacon said that knowledge is power... I am finally starting to really believe that.

I went to the Logan hospital today to ask the Labor and Delivery unit about more options for natural birthing women. The Orem Women's center which is IHC owned has a water-proof Electronic Fetal Monitor (EFM). Can you imagine that? Being able to sit in the tub or be in the shower and still get all the recorded info. the hospital wants you to have? With my second, who was posterior, I loathed being on the EFM and just wanted to get into the shower. I really hope that they will consider getting one for the Logan Hospital.

Knowing what your hospital's policies are, and what you can refuse, can make a huge difference in your comfort at the hospital and in your bill.

When your blood is drawn at the beginning of pregnancy, they test for ALL sorts of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. All fine and dandy if you don't know where your man's been or if you're sleeping around, but when you know you husband and yourself, then there's no need to have all of them tested. But it's something you have to ask for -- if you don't, they just run it all. Some very powerful words to learn are: "What's that for?"
If you already know your blood type for certain (from a Red Cross donor's card for example) then the only test they really need to do initially is to test your blood levels. You can opt out of the blood type testing, STD tests etc.

Also, if you're not going to have an abortion, there is really no need in having an amniocentesis done.

Most doctors will check at some point in your pregnancy for Gestational Diabetes with a glucose screen test. For most women this is unnecessary and there should be signs to show you if you are having problems that they can collect in your urine sample anyways. My last OB said it wasn't a crucial test, but it's standard to routinely test it, even though only 2-5% of women develop gestational diabetes and there are often outward signs.

When you check into the hospital when you are in Labor or after your baby is born, they will take some blood to test your blood type. If you already know your blood-type, from having it tested at the beginning, then there is NO need for this second test. Obviously, if they don't have your records, then they want to have it, but if you live in Logan and went to the Budge Clinic, they have your records and have NO need of taking this test. BUT, you have to know in order to decline it.

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